Need Help?

Send us an email via this form, or read through frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Whom should I contact if I did not receive my check or it was lost or damaged?

Please e-mail

Can I submit supplement requests for other group members' children?

No, you may only submit supplement requests for your own children.

What if my child is over 13 years of age, but requires childcare?

We're sorry, but our program is designed for children 12 and under. If you have an extenuating circumstance, please have your Community Group leader reach out to his or her Staff Groups Director.

How do I update my address?

Simply fill in your new address on the form when you are submitting a new supplement request. Your new address will then be reviewed and added to our records.

I recently had a new child. How do I add him/her to my profile?

Please submit your request as you normally would and include all of your children. If we do not have a record of a child, you will receive an email asking you to provide the additional information.

I am a foster parent. Can I receive supplement for my foster child?

Yes, you are eligible for supplement if you are the legal guardian and the child is under 13 years of age.